Welcome to Cornerstone Church

Wether you are new to Cornerstone Church, or have been coming for a while and just want to know a little bit more about our stance on things, here it is. First, our emphasis here is in our commitment to the WORD of God, passion about the WORSHIP of God and investment in impacting the WORLD for God! Read more about that through our vision statement.

We want to share our practical view on what we do and why

What to Expect when you come on a Sunday

Teaching of the Word

Cornerstone is committed to the Word of God that it may dwell richly within us (Col 3:16). We do this by providing various outlets for the Word to be experienced, from the pulpit to counseling and small groups, to our kids’ church and school of ministry with internship opportunities, to our various online channels and other media resources.

Every Sunday you can expect the Bible to be read and taught during our services. Generally, we teach through a specific book of the Bible in full week after week.


Music: Cornerstone is passionate about the worship of God both individually and corporately (Col 3:17). We promote a heart of worship in word and action by giving opportunity to experience the freedom and joy of worship in accordance to the Word of God that Jesus’ name may be magnified. This is our response to who God is, His faithfulness, and promises.

We enter into worship through music, opening our Sunday morning services with a couple contemporary worship songs, either with a full band, or sometimes simply acoustic.

Giving - form of worship (or below under practices)


The heart of Cornerstone includes raising up the children to have the same understanding of the Word of God, as well as worship him, as their parents do. We do this through Children’s Church specifically geared to their ages during Sunday services, and AWANA Kids Club from Sept-May.

How You can Get Plugged into the Community

Cornerstone is invested in impacting the world. We believe this happens as a result of giving proper place to the Word and Worship that we might walk in wisdom and redeem the time (Col 4:5). This is expressed in our participation of gospel centered local and global outreach with an emphasis on church planting.

Small Groups

  • Built Groups

  • Specific Ministries: Men’s, Women’s, Youth, Young Adults


Fellowship & Community - (Family Connect)

Prayer - prayer during 2nd service? importance of, Prayer Team on App, submit requests,

Discipleship & Counseling -

Outreach - Community Outreach, Food Panty, Support missionaries, short term trips

What We Practice on Ordinances of the Church


Jesus Christ ordained baptism to be, to the believer, a sign of his fellowship with him in his death and resurrection, and to be an ordinance of the New Testament. Submersion in water identifies us with Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection. We can only live and walk in the newness of life because we have surrendered our lives to God through Jesus Christ. 

We offer opportunities for people to be baptized 2-3 times a year, as we are able to.


We believe that communion (The Lord's Supper) was instituted by Jesus on the night he was betrayed. This is to be taken in remembrance of Jesus until His return, showing to all the world that he sacrificed himself in his death, confirming the faith of believers, spiritual nourishment, growth in him, engagement in, and adherence to all duties due to him; and being a bond and pledge of their communion with him and with each other.

We practice communion together monthly on the first Sunday of every month.

Church Leadership?

Role of Holy Spirit?

We believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit mentioned in the Scriptures, and that they are valid for today if they are exercised within the Scriptural guidelines. We as believers are to covet the best gifts, seeking to exercise them in love and grace, that the whole Body of Christ might be edified. We believe that love is more important than the most spectacular gifts, and without this love all exercise of spiritual gifts is worthless.