Hey Cornerstone Family,

As you know, the seasons are changing. The arrival of fall brings the flu, cold, & stomach bug season, and, as we know, COVID is still something to be cautious of. With that, I want us to be reminded that we should give preference to one another and take certain precautions as we navigate this season of sickness.

If you are especially vulnerable to sickness, we encourage you to take extra caution. You can safely social distance at church outside, watch from your car, or attend church online. If you or your family are experiencing any symptoms of various illnesses, we encourage you to attend church online. Sickness will happen, especially as the colder weather approaches. It is important to avoid panic and rumors. To bring clarity, it's come to our attention that several people in the church are sick, and a few have tested positive for COVID. They are taking appropriate measures to stay away from gatherings for the recommended amount of time. Because of this, we are attempting to ease concerns about a spread, so we have decided to take the week off from extra activities. 

We will meet this Sunday for services with extra precautions in place. Please refrain from handshakes and hugs, maintain social distancing, and, if you desire, wear a mask. We will not provide childcare this Sunday. Children are welcome to sit with you under the tent during service. 

Here is a list of activities that will be cancelled, changed, or postponed:

  • Awaken Young Adults Ministry is cancelled 10/1

  • Men's Ministry will meet on Zoom 10/1

  • High School Youth Group is cancelled 10/2

  • Chosen Movie Nights will begin 10/11

  • Women's Bible Study is postponed & will begin the week of 10/12

Please stay connected with us, as usual, for any further updates, and please pray with us for God's wisdom and protection. 

God Bless,
Pastor Mike